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Choosing a Lawyer

We help families and people who have been injured or suffered the death of a loved one, or who have been harassed, cheated, or hurt at work.  We charge no fee for consultation (“free consultation”), and we only get paid if there is a recovery; this means that you know the percentage of recovery that will be our fee from the very first day, and it will not go up – even if your case takes a long time to bring to an end.  Our lawyers have been licensed to practice law throughout Alabama for as many as 30 years, and the experience of your lawyer surely matters in your choice of who to hire to help solve the issues before you.

We wondered why people chose particular lawyers, and reviewed several recent studies on the topic done by the American Bar Association and the bar associations of several states. We have elected not to advertise on TV or billboards, as a matter of our own preference. Kent Faulk of the Birmingham News wrote May 16, 2015, for example, about one lawyer who advertises heavily, “[he] admits he is now more of a ‘brand’ and business administrator than a courtroom litigator. He hasn’t tried a case in court in a long time.” (

There are literally thousands of lawyers – so why choose this one instead of that one? Strong consensus from those studies shows that those in need of the help of a lawyer look primarily at four top attributes.

  1. Area of Law: We don’t handle divorces, or bankruptcies, or criminal cases, or real estate closings. While we can recommend excellent lawyers in those areas, we confine our practice to wrongful death, personal injury, and employment matters on behalf of claimants – not on behalf of the powerful insurance industry. Judges and other lawyers have noted our firm as possessed with the “highest levels of legal ability” in our field of practice, and founding partner Lawrence T. King has been repeatedly recognized by judges and lawyers as one of the 50 Top Lawyers in Alabama, according to SuperLawyers. We don’t practice all areas of law, but within our field, we consistently seek and achieve excellence on behalf of our clients.

  2. Character: Choose a lawyer with a strong record of character. According to lawyers and judges thoroughly surveyed for years, our firm is recognized as having the highest ranking for adherence to professional standards of conduct, ethics, reliability, and diligence. We also take time to give back to our churches and our community, and have been recognized as inspiring the work of others to give a hand up to the hurting and forgotten. We have found Hebrews 10:24 to be a great motivator for our group!

  3. Reputation: Entrust your legal problems to a lawyer with a sterling reputation. As courtroom lawyers, we are grateful that our judges and our opposing lawyers have evaluated our legal ability and our adherence to professional standards of conduct at the highest possible levels. Through our frequent community outreach efforts and our service to the legal community, we have built a reputation that serves well the representation of our clients.

  4. Results: Does the lawyer you are considering for your issue achieve positive results? Of course, we do not guarantee results, and comparing one case to another is risky business in which smart attorneys should not engage. That said, our lawyers are well-known among insurance companies and their attorneys as highly capable trial counsel. We will absolutely attempt to settle matters without the necessity of an emotionally difficult trial; but when the insurance companies won’t offer a fair price, we are trained to proceed to trial on behalf of our clients. Several major companies and insurers have learned that the hard way!

Similar to Mark Twains quote; "the difference between an exceptional lawyer and an average lawyer is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." Hiring a lawyer and entrusting issues that can have lifelong impact – – this is a monumentally important decision for you. Think carefully, and choose wisely. Study a lawyer’s expertise in the area of law in which you need help, gauge the lawyer’s character, assess the lawyer’s reputation, measure the lawyer's track record of results. And if our firm can help you, let us know!

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